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/ Money in the 90s (1994 Edition) / Money In the 90s.iso / picture2 / 0993c129.shg (.png) < prev    next >
Segmented Hypergraphics Bitmap  |  1993-12-07  |  361KB  |  656x858  |  8-bit (233 colors)
Labels: book | bulletin board | grass | reckoner | sky | windowpane
OCR: FR Soutt Bond IRTH Atlantr 174 170 Cincinnati 11521 the Bakersfield, calil 1270 Pittsbor hBere county pe 171, Owensboro IN.R.T Tularo Coumty Calt 12447 I05 172 Macon 12290 Flerence .t 12721 1321 173, New Drloana (26) 247 Bridgeport Conn 11831 Minn 143 174 Laxington Ky 91 Springfield Mass (255) 10 11381 175 Medford Ore 215 Bloomingtor/Mormal 1106 1113 110 Wilmingten 250 Mercod Calif. {221, 103 Toogms Nas 621241 17 Payeltenille 137 251. Napa Valloy. Callf T 158 101 Veeut ET 170 Mobite 153 157 Reddimg, Calil. '234' 100 icity Mo 11331 179 Sar Luie Obiapo, Calif. (M.F.I. 253 Nanterey Cali 2051 105. Fayettevilla, N.C 121 Dutchess County M.Y 1296) 254. UlicaRom (212| 107. Minr Syracuae 255. 50ginm uich 250) 108 Waltyr Beact 1551 Alteona pa 1230 256. Trey 1TE41 109 India mapolia/Andereon 11211 Pii ...